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DIY Wallpaper Installation Made Easy!

Wallpaper, more than any other design element, has the ability to change your living space by adding individuality and style. It’s a versatile option that can instantly transform a space. Wallpaper installation, on the other hand, can be scary for many people. But don’t worry; with a little help and the correct tools, DIY wallpaper installation can be a satisfying and cost-effective method to improve the look of your house. Eximus Wallpaper, India’s first wallpaper producer, is here to provide you with a step-by-step tutorial on how to make DIY wallpaper installation simple and successful.

1. Gather Your Suplies

Make sure you have all of the necessary materials and tools before you begin. What you’ll need is as follows:

Wallpaper Paste or Adhesive: Make sure to use the appropriate adhesive for the sort of wallpaper you have. Eximus Wallpaper can advise you on the best glue to use with your wallpaper.

Measuring Tape and Level: These tools will assist you in measuring and ensuring the straightness of your wallpaper.

utility knife or wallpaper scissors: You’ll need a utility knife or wallpaper scissors to clip the excess wallpaper.

Smoothing Tool: A smoothing tool, also known as a wallpaper smoother, aids in the removal of air bubbles and promotes perfect adherence.

Sponge and bucket: To remove excess glue off the wallpaper and tools.

Drop Cloth: For preventing adhesive spillage on your floors.

Straightedges and rulers: Straightedges and rulers are useful for precise trimming and alignment.

Pencil: For scribbling any rules on the wall.

2. Get Your Walls Ready

A thorough preparation is required for a successful wallpaper installation. Take the following steps:

a. Wall Cleaning: Remove any dust, filth, or oil from your walls. A clean surface promotes adhesion.
b. Repair Wall Imperfections :Fill any holes or cracks in the wall and sand down rough spots. Because wallpaper will reveal flaws, a smooth surface is vital.
c. Prime the Walls: Using a wallpaper primer helps the adhesive stick better and may make future removal easier.

3. Take measurements and cut your wallpaper

Measure the height of your wall and add a few inches to the length of the wallpaper to allow for trimming and changes. It is critical to carefully measure, especially if you have patterned wallpaper where matching is critical. Mark a straight, vertical line on the wall with a level and a pencil to ensure your first strip is completely aligned.

Place the wallpaper on a clean, flat surface. Measure and note the length you require, aligning it if required with the pattern. To achieve a straight cut, use a straightedge or ruler. Then, carefully cut the wallpaper with a utility knife or wallpaper scissors.

4. Apply Adhesive

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for preparing your wallpaper adhesive. Typically, you’ll mix the adhesive with water and let it sit for a few minutes. Once ready, use a paint roller or brush to apply the adhesive evenly to the back of the wallpaper. Be sure to apply adhesive to the edges and corners as

5. Hang Your Wallpaper

This step requires precision and patience:

a. Start at the Top: Begin at the top of the wall near the ceiling. Leave a small overhang at the top to allow for trimming later. Align the edge of the wallpaper with the vertical guideline you marked earlier.

b. Smooth and Align: Slowly unroll the wallpaper down the wall, smoothing it out as you go. Use a wallpaper smoother or a clean, dry cloth to press the wallpaper firmly to the wall, working from the centre outward to eliminate air bubbles.

c. Match Patterns: If you have a patterned wallpaper, ensure each strip matches perfectly with the one next to it. This might require adjustments and careful alignment.

d. Trim Excess: Once the wallpaper is in place, use a utility knife or wallpaper scissors to trim the excess at the top and bottom. Be precise when cutting around corners and edges.
e. Repeat the Process: Continue applying wallpaper strips side by side, matching patterns as necessary, until you’ve covered the entire wall. Remember to leave a slight overlap at the edges for a seamless look.

6. Remove Air Bubbles and Wrinkles

Examine the wallpaper for air bubbles or creases. If you detect any, gently lift the affected area and smooth it out with a clean cloth or your wallpaper smoother.

7. Remove Excess Adhesive

Clean any excess glue from the wallpaper and your tools with a moist sponge or cloth. This must be done while the glue is still wet, as it can be difficult to remove once dry.

8. Finishing Touches

After you’ve finished installing your wallpaper, take a moment to enjoy your work. Examine for any flaws or regions that may require additional smoothing or trimming. Allow the wallpaper to dry completely, which may take several hours depending on the type of wallpaper.

9. Take Advantage of Your Newly Wallpapered Space

When the wallpaper is dry and your room is back in order, take a step back and admire your work. Eximus Wallpaper features a variety of styles and patterns to suit your style, whether it’s modern, traditional, or e

10.Maintenance Suggestion

Taking care of your wallpaper will keep it looking good for years to come:

Dust your wallpaper on a regular basis with a soft, dry cloth or a vacuum cleaner attachment with a brush to prevent dust buildup.

If your wallpaper becomes stained, simply clean it with a damp, soft cloth. Abrasive cleansers and excessive wetness should be avoided as they can damage the wallpaper.

Repairing Damage: If there is any damage, such as tears or peeling edges, contact a professional wallpaper installer for repairs. Attempting to fix it yourself may worsen the issue.

11. Helpful Hints for Difficult Situations

While the majority of your wallpaper installation will take place on regular wall portions, some regions may cause difficulties. Here are some pointers for navigating those tough spots:

a. Corners and edges: It is critical to maintain a seamless transition when working around corners. To obtain a seamless look, use glue and gently overhang the wallpaper onto the adjacent wall before trimming.

b. Electrical Outlets and Switches: Turn off the electricity, remove the cover plate, and gently cut an X shape over the opening. Reattach the cover plate and smooth the wallpaper around the outlets.

c. Windows and Doors: When wallpapering around windows and doors, take precise measurements and cuts. Overlap the wallpaper slightly onto the window or door frame, then carefully trim with a utility knife.

d. Ceiling and Baseboards: When clipping wallpaper along the ceiling and baseboards, use a straightedge or a piece of trim as a reference. This will assist you in achieving clean, straight lines.

12. Wallpaper Removal

If you want to alter your wallpaper or upgrade your space, you must first remove the wallpaper. Eximus Wallpaper provides high-quality wallpapers that are designed to be sturdy and long-lasting, but when it comes time to replace them, follow these steps:

a. Prepare the Room:
Take out all of the furniture and personal things from the room. Drop cloths should be used to protect your floors.

b. Score the Wallpaper:
Gently score the surface of the wallpaper with a wallpaper scorer or a utility knife. This permits the removal solution to enter the pores.

c. Use Wallpaper Remover:
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when using a wallpaper removal solution. Allow it to sit for the time specified to release the adhesive.

d. Peel or Scrape:
Begin by gently peeling or scraping away the wallpaper from a corner or seam. Be patient since some wallpaper will come off quickly while others will demand more work.

e. Clean and Repair:
After removing the wallpaper, thoroughly clean the walls to eliminate any leftover adhesive. Repair any flaws in the wall before adding fresh wallpaper or paint.

13. The Benefits of Eximus Wallpaper

Using Eximus Wallpaper for your DIY wallpaper installation has various benefits:

a. Quality and Durability:
Eximus Wallpaper provides high-quality wallpapers that are built to last, ensuring that your DIY project will last.

b. Design Variety:
Eximus Wallpaper offers a vast choice of designs, patterns, and styles, allowing you to find the perfect match for your aesthetic tastes.

c. Eximus Wallpaper:
also provides personalization possibilities, allowing you to create a really unique atmosphere by incorporating your favourite colours, patterns, or personal images.

d. Expert Support:
If you need help or have questions throughout your DIY installation, Eximus Wallpaper’s customer service is simply a phone call or email away, ready to help.

Working on Interior Decor of your house? Looking for Designer Wallpapers for walls, Aesthetic Wallpapers, Home Wallpapers? Buy Wallpaper for walls online with Eximus Wallpaper – Pioneer Wallpaper Manufacturer in India.

Follow the Eximus website and YouTube channel, or head to our social media platforms like FacebookInstagram! or Call us on tel:+918828151202


To install wallpaper yourself, gather essential tools like wallpaper paste or adhesive, measuring tape, utility knife or wallpaper scissors, smoothing tool, sponge, drop cloth, straightedges, rulers, and a pencil. Make sure to have these tools handy before starting the installation.
Proper wall preparation is crucial for successful wallpaper installation. Clean the walls thoroughly, repair any imperfections, and prime the walls to ensure a smooth surface for the wallpaper to adhere to. A clean and primed surface helps the wallpaper stick better and facilitates future removal.
Start at the top near the ceiling and align the edge of the wallpaper with a vertical guideline. Slowly unroll the wallpaper, smoothing it out as you go and ensuring patterns match if applicable. Trim excess wallpaper at the top and bottom. Be patient and precise when aligning and trimming to achieve a professional finish.
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